Last night I saw the movie Julie and Julia–I know I know it has been out for months. Bear with me! I am little slow with pop culture sometimes. Anyways, it was such a wonderful film because it emphasized the beautiful relationship one can have with food. Now, don’t get me wrong. Julie and Julia were in love with butter and fat and all the foods that are not part of a heart healthy or weight loss food plan. But, who is to say that you can not love to cook, love food and be a foodie while eating foods that fall in line with your nutrition goals? People seem to think everything is all or nothing–I do not agree at all.

A few weeks ago I met up with a friend of mine for lunch at Mixt Greens. It is a salad shop here in the city with local, organic and fresh ingredients and you can make whatever salad you want. My friend is a foodie–will eat anything, loves fatty foods and will try whatever you put in front of him. When it was our turn to order he said he wanted whatever I ordered and I laughed, because I knew he was going to be disappointed. I ordered a salad with butter lettuce, cucumbers, carrots, bell peppers, candied walnuts, grilled chicken with a little olive oil and a lot of balsamic vinegar. Not very excited eh? My “splurge” was the candied walnuts. i am so crazy! he he he

The salad tasted great and he agreed. But what he was surprised about was that this salad tastes even better because it will help me reach my nutrition goals. I strive to eat whole foods, non starchy vegetables, lean proteins and healthy fats. This salad did just that. I did not feel guilty after I ate–I felt proud! I love food, I love eating out, I love sitting with a friend over dinner and chatting away, I love sitting in a park with a delicious cup of coffee and people watching. I love appreciating how food fuels me for the life I want to live.

This film inspired me because even thought Julie and Julia gained 20 pounds after their projects, they enjoyed each and every bite. That is what it is all about.

Bon appetit!