While it may seem shallow to some, the truth is many of us just want to look
good. We want to be thin and look fantastic in that pair of skinny jeans. I
don’t necessarily mean that hipster jean that is all the rage these days,
but that pair of pants or skirt or dress that is just a little too tight. We
all have that pair of jeans…We will change our eating habits, wake up
earlier to show up at the gym, drink less alcohol, follow weird fads, take
strange supplements just to fit into those darn skinny jeans.

Unfortunately, The Universe does not care what you look like in skinny
jeans. Our bodies were not made to look good in a bathing suit, tuxedo or a
dress. We were created to survive and to keep the species going.

Why is this important? When you wake up at 5.30am and go for a run on an
empty stomach you may GAIN weight after that workout. Why? The body doesn’t
know that you are running through your beautiful neighborhood or on a
treadmill at a nice gym…the body thinks you are starving in a desert and a
lion came out of nowhere and is chasing you. If the body thinks you are in
trouble it will shut down, slow your metabolism and hold on to fat since
that is how you survive being stranded in the desert. Lowering your
metabolism conserves energy and extra fat means extra padding and calories
for later. Great survival mechanism but not exactly what most of us are
looking for on a day-to-day basis!

See what I mean? Skipping meals will not help you reach your goals. Cutting
out an entire food group will only make the body think there is a famine
coming. Drinking less water to prevent gaining water weight will only cause
the body to think you are severely dehydrated.

The key to losing weight, revving your metabolism and living well is to make
the body believe it is always safe. When you eat balanced (protein,
carbohydrates and fat), small meals every 3-4 hours your body trusts that
all is well in The Universe and will help you get one step closer to fitting
into those jeans. Be good to yourself and you will see results.

You look smoking by the way!