When was the last time you asked yourself, “How am I doing?” So many of us go through life without taking the time to reflect on where we came from and where we want to go. No need to get too philosophical here…but have you ever considered taking 5 minutes to check in with yourself to see if you are on the track you want to be on?

For example, how long have you been talking about losing weight? Or trying a new fitness class? Or changing your routine? Have you ever set a goal to motivate you? It is so easy for time to fly by without us even noticing.

As many of you know, the Jewish New Year was last week. While many of you (I hope!) would call me a “good Jewish girl” I go back and forth between how disciplined I want to be in following all of the traditions and rituals. Between the Jewish holidays of Rosh Hashanah (The New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of Atonement) there are 10 days where Jews are supposed to reflect on the year, make goals for moving forward and after atoning on Yom Kippur start the new year fresh.

In the past, I never really participated in reflecting until a group created a website called 10Q to take advantage of this practice and bring it to all individuals, no matter their religion. It is an easy opportunity to reflect on the year and put it in writing so you can look back on it for years to come. This is for everyone! No matter your age, religion or background.

Everyday you are emailed a question, you login to the secure website and answer how you please. Takes just a minute. 10 days and 10 questions. You can share your answers or keep them private for only you to see. Then next year you can see what you wrote in 2011 and how things have changed in 2012.

This is my second year being part of it and it is very powerful taking the time to reflect. Whether you are thinking in terms of Q3 starting, the new school year, prepping for January or celebrating the Jewish New Year it is therapeutic to take a second and look back and think about how to move forward. What will be your goal this year?

It Day 6 so there is still time! If you are interested go ahead and login at www.doyou10q.com