I was recently quoted in articles in both Shape.com and SF Gate – thought I would share the love!

There are so many myths when it comes to nutrition. Both these articles highlight myths and fads. Please remember..please…ask yourself WHY you are doing what you are doing when it comes to food or exercise. If you are basing it off a line you read in an article or because some celebrity is doing it, please decide whether it is worth it and is it really working??

The Shape.com article is based on a study that had one group eat a low carbohydrate, lower calorie breakfast while the other group ate a larger breakfast and a portioned dessert. The “dessert for breakfast” group lost more weight suggesting that having a sweet in the morning may help you lose weight. Seriously?? After reading the research I suggested that it wasn’t necessarily a dessert that helped someone lose weight, but rather starting the day off right with a satiating, balanced breakfast that fueled the body for the day. Refined sugar was not what made the difference, but rather providing the body with what it needs so it is not “starving in the desert” — feeling satisfied and not spending the rest of the day hungry and craving food.

The SF Gate article highlights a lot of food myths and fads – do you get sucked in to diet fads? What myth do you love? Do you follow religiously? Does it work??

It ain’t sexy…it ain’t quick…but at the end of the day you have to eat whole foods and eat balanced throughout the day. Splurge from time to time and put nutrition as a priority in your day. Set yourself up for success and it all becomes quite easy and enjoyable. I swear!!!