The word “companion” is made up of three Latin roots :

“Com” – friends
“panis” – bread
“ion”- doing

I thought it was fitting this Valentine’s Day to remember how special and important it is to sit down with those you love and break bread together. Share a meal, ask how your day went, laugh, talk about what is really on your mind, listen, laugh some more. Nourish your bodies, mind and heart with some good food and companionship.

You do not need to eat every piece of chocolate that is presented to you…you do not even need to eat bread to break bread. Eat some good food….not good because it is the fattiest, or most expensive, or so hip, or totally over the top… Good because it tastes good, is good for you, is what you truly want and allows you to enjoy the company you are with.

Wishing you all a cozy, delicious meal with fantastic company…