A client of mine just got back from a week at a fancy spa in Mexico. Tough life right? Well, I was beyond thrilled when she wrote the following about her trip:
Big takeaway: I like being really physically active, and I’m going to find ways to build more activity into my daily routine.
This is a woman who has avoided exercise for the last year that I have known her. And the few workouts she has done, she is beyond proud of herself for being “good” for that one workout. Now, after immersing herself in exercise, she realized that she wants activity to be a part of her life. She actually likes it! She loves how it makes her feel, and she sees how it not a burden, but a gift to live life active and well.
I am thrilled because this is a behavior pattern that is going to stick for the long term. She is no longer going to do exercise out of obligation or feel guilty if she does not get a workout in…but exercise is simply this thing she does everyday. Every day. Whether it is 15 minutes, an hour or 4 hours…being active is a part of her life now.
Can you see what a game changer that is? Can you see how that could apply to nutrition? How that could apply to alcohol consumption? Or eating in social situations?
We get so stuck on being good or bad….on forcing ourselves to behave and hating it. But what if we just were healthy eaters? We wanted vegetables rather than french fries, because vegetables are full of nutrients and french fries make us sick and overweight? We stop after one drink so we can wake up early the next morning without a hangover and get that workout in? Could you imagine how easier this would all be if we didn’t fight it?
It doesn’t take a fancy spa to change your life. Just do it. One step in the right direction makes all the difference. Go get em!