“I know what to do…”

I hear this all the time. “I know how to eat right but I can’t make it happen…” The truth is many of us know what to do, but it is not coming together in our daily routine. The reason is….THE SCHEDULE. You may have the best intentions but if the day is passing you by and nothing is getting done there is a scheduling error. Getting your schedule under your control is the holy grail. Seriously. If you can get control of your day you will feel better than ever. It is all about making it work for you.

One fantastic way to fit eating well into a busy routine is to cook in bulk and take advantage of leftovers. Martha Stewart may have the ability to cook a different, perfectly themed meal everyday, but for those of us in reality it is all about making it work with little time and effort. If you cook a protein, starch and vegetable in bulk, you can come in the door after a long day and within minutes have a balanced, hearty meal ready for you. And you will always have a healthy lunch the next day. It feels so good when it is this easy!

So what to cook? Here are some ideas to get you started. Get creative and think a bit out of the box. Cooked vegetables will last for days so you don’t have to worry about things going bad and when you have protein ready to go it makes dinner so much easier. Healthy, tasty food should work for you! Create a plan that sets you up for success!

Chicken breasts simply baked
Turkey burgers or lean beef burgers
Stuffed peppers
Tuna casseroles
Slow cooker stews
Lentil Salad
Bean Salad
Quinoa Salad
Baked Potatoes
Baked oatmeal
Homemade trail mix
Roasted vegetables
Sauteed Greens
Stirfry Veggie

So who is bringing me leftovers for lunch tomorrow???