Well not really. Hate to be the Debbie Downer here but I had to write about this before the holiday parties really get going. Little pep talk coming so get excited.

This is by far the most debated topic with my clients. People have a hard time accepting the fact that alcohol leads to weight gain. Not only does alcohol pack on pounds, it does more damage than you think. My client’s favorite argument is “Wine comes from grapes and one glass only has 150 calories—how can it be that bad for me?” While this is true, the body has to do extra work to metabolize the alcohol molecule, therefore the body treats alcohol more like a fat than a carbohydrate. This is a case where a calorie is not always a calorie.

So what to do?

I have yet to suggest that someone never have a beverage again. take some time to think about a strategy that will work for you.

1. First calculate how many drinks you have per week. Be honest. Given the holidays are a more festive time consider how many drinks you will have per week this month.
2. Negotiate with yourself on a number of drinks you will allow yourself per week. So if you are having 10 drinks per week maybe you will agree to 6. Or 3. It has to make sense for you or it is not sustainable.
3. Decide how you are going to spread these drinks out. Do you want to have one drink every day? Or do you want to dedicate all your drinks to 2-3 specific nights? Think in advance of how you want to make it happen.
4. Now think about when you really like having a drink. Do you enjoy sitting at a bar with good company and conversation or do you really enjoy drinking with specific foods to make the most of the meal? Figure out what type of person you are and drink when you realty want it….not just because of habit.
5. Also, please do not forget about water! Get some water in between beverages and be hydrated before a big night out and before you go to bed.
6. The last thing….get rid of the sweet stuff! Avoid added fruit juice or simple syrups with cocktail…just adds more sugar and calories to the mix.

If you want to be held accountable, email me your “alcohol resolutions for the holidays” and we can follow up in January to see how you are doing.

So there it is….a little pre-holiday pep talk so you can enjoy the holidays without too many added pounds.

Still friends?