Eating well on the road is tough! So many of my clients struggle with this so I thought I would put a list together of some ideas for how to make it work when you seem to spend more time on a plane, train or automobile than your home. It is all about having a plan and being prepared. Make your travels work for your benefit.

Eat more than you think
Sounds counterintuitive but it works. When you are sitting in the airport at 3pm waiting for your flight, go get a sandwich or salad or a meal sized portion of food to get you through the afternoon rather than munching on something small and unsatisfying. The goal is to never walk into any situation starving. Eating more sooner will prevent binges later.

Have snacks prepared!
Nuts, bars made with natural ingredients, nut butter, dried fruit, fresh fruit, whole grain crackers, high quality jerky need to be in your suitcase at all times. Make a meal out of it! These foods do not need refrigeration so can last a while. If you could add string cheese, yogurt, bean or quinoa salad, hard boiled egg, cottage cheese, turkey sandwich, PB&J sandwich, pre-made salad or some leftovers from the night before that would be great too. Try to eat every 3-4 hours.

Know your airport
For those of you who live out of an airport –you know who you are—take full advantage of any healthy, balanced foods you can buy at the gate. Find a place that makes a sandwich, salad or where you can buy some snacks that are in line with your goals so you are always ready to go. Buy a meal at the airport if you don’t want to rely on airplane food.

Hydrate like it is going out of style
You have to drink more water than you think. Living out of a hotel, airport and plane is extremely dehydrating—always have a water bottle near you and fill it up at all times. You should be going to the bathroom often—while it can be annoying, it means you are drinking enough!

Strut your stuff
It may be hard to get a proper workout in but remember that walking is a workout too. Walk around the airport, walk around the block at the hotel, take the stairs, walk during a conference call or on a lunch break—just stay moving! I know it is frustrating when you get out of your workout routine, but do what you can to move whenever it works with your schedule. If you can take advantage of the hotel gym for even 20 minutes—make it happen! You will feel so much better, guaranteed.

You are working….not on holiday
So often we think we can have that extra cocktail, dessert or fried goodie because we are at a hotel or in a new city. Remember, you are at work! Sadly, this is not vacation. This is not necessarily a celebratory time to splurge. Trust me, I wish I was on holiday all the time too! Find a balance to make it work. You can do this!

Happy Travels!