What is the magic secret? How can you instantly look smoking hot? Drink water. Hydrate hydrate hydrate! And drink more water than you think.

So many of us are living our lives mildly dehydrated and this is less than ideal. Water flushes out toxins, carries nutrients to our cells and is part of our everyday metabolism. When we do not drink enough our body thinks there may be a problem, signaling that stress response I have discussed in past articles. Your body never wants to think it is stranded in a desert. Drinking enough water throughout the day and eating small, balanced meals lets your metabolism work in your favor…so drink up!!!

How much do we need?

The jury is still out on this one. Countless research studies have been conducted but there is not one right answer. Also, age, activity level, environment and lifestyle will affect hydration needs.

The Institute of Medicine suggests 3 Liters per day for men and 2.2 Liters per day for women although that can vary person to person.

Where to start?

First, figure out how much water you are currently drinking in a day. Take notice of all the fluids you drink and add them up.

Slowly add 8 ounces per day until you get to a point where your urine is almost always clear and you are urinating often. That is when you know you have hit your goal.

Caffeine junkie?

Take notice of how much caffeine you have in a day since that will dehydrate you. I allow clients to count 8 ounces of caffeinated beverages to their daily total goal but after that is counts against you.

How about that glass of vino?

Sadly, alcohol dehydrates you as well and counts against your total goal. After enjoying a glass of wine or a cocktail have some water to balance it out.

Cheers to glowing skin, increased energy and losing a few pounds….Bottoms up!