I have a guilty pleasure….I have watched every episode of The Biggest Loser. I know! I just cannot stop. I love learning the stories, hearing how the contestants got so overweight, watching their struggle and see their incredible metamorphosis to create change. This season is all about “No Excuses” and every episode is about different excuses we all use to prevent us from reaching our health and wellness goals.

It got me thinking…how often do we use an excuse to make us feel better or to compensate an action? Lately, I have been hyperaware of how people justify actions or explain scenarios and it is pretty fascinating. We give excuses all day long! Is it human nature to create an excuse so we don’t have to focus on what is really going on? If that is true, no wonder so many of us struggle with long term change!!

Some of my favorite excuses:

“I have no time”
“I cannot afford it”
“I travel a lot”
“I am very social
“Life is too short not to enjoy it!”
“I am too old”
“I am not strong enough”
“I have no will power”
“I deserve a reward”
“It’s their fault”

What is your excuse? How often do you give excuses? What prevents you from creating change? How do you justify things?

Email me your top excuses and lets see if we can get to the bottom of things. Set yourself up for success.

I would write more but I don’t have any more time and my carpal tunnel is starting to hurt….ya see? Excuses are everywhere!