What is working? What isn’t?

These are the best two questions you can ask yourself when it comes to creating change. Rather than being hard on yourself because you are not seeing results or throwing in the towel and giving up all together, take a minute or two and figure out how you can create a plan that will lead you to success.

What needs to happen to make it work? It usually comes down to logistics. Planning ahead for food or workouts, making things more convenient for your day, asking for help from a loved one or expert so you can take something off your plate…all these things make a big difference. Take some time and look through your schedule for next week. Is it is a successful week or have you set yourself up for stress and frustration? What could you change to make it work?

This is not all about the negative. Praise yourself for all you are doing RIGHT! Enjoy it, feel good about it and acknowledge why it is working. What changes did you make to allow things to fall into place? Write these things down so you can remember them for the future.

Check in with yourself weekly and stay on track to reach your goals. You can do this!