Sometimes I catch myself spacing out thinking about how to make carbohydrates easier to understand. I cannot believe I just admitted that because now you will all know what a total dork I am, but it is true! Yes, I am a nerd and yes, carbohydrates are very confusing.

There is just so much misinformation out there…and people think all carbohydrates are evil and that is just not true.

Lets break it down…

Non Starchy Vegetables –
all veggies except for peas and corn
Serving Size – ½ cup cooked or 1 cup raw
Calories – 25 calories per serving

Serving Size – About the size of a tennis ball or your fist (ish)
Calories – 60 calories per serving

Starches – Grains, beans, starchy vegetables
Serving size – ½ cup cooked
Calories – 80-100 (ish)

Fat Free or Low Fat Dairy (Dairy has carbs too!)
Serving Size – 6 ounces of yogurt or 8 ounces of milk
Calories – 90 calories (ish)

Refined Grains, Sweets and Treats
Serving size and Calories – the sky is the limit!

What is really important to note here?? Vegetables are carbohydrates – they have sugar in them! Sugar that you need to survive. You should not cut out carbohydrates from your diet because your body needs glucose for survival. And if you are on a “no sugar” diet but eating fruits and vegetables…you are eating sugar! And you should!

Also, notice how much the calories can vary. I am suggesting you eat a carbohydrate paired with a protein at every meal (every 3-4 hours) but if you were to eat starch at every meal time, that may be too many calories for you. You have to find what is the right amount of food for you to eat a balanced plate and keep you satiated just to last you 3-4 hours.

Why do you crave sugar at 3pm? Because you need to eat! You don’t just crave carbohydrates…your body wants a balanced meal! Instead of going for the candy in your office or chugging some diet soda or coffee to get you through the day eat a portion of protein and carbohydrate – a turkey or pb&j sandwich, yogurt with some fruit, veggies with tuna, ½ baked potato and some chicken, rice and beans topped with salsa – give your body some food and set yourself up for success!

That help at all? Or just make things more confusing? Nerd out with me and figure out how to make sense of the carbohydrate question. We will figure it out!