Last November, very convincing research was published in the New England Journal of Medicine suggesting that overall mortality rate is lower in those who consume nuts as a regular part of their diet. An inverse relationship between death and eating nuts – Which one would you choose??

There is also research coming from Purdue University suggesting that eating nuts could assist with weight loss since you feel more satiated when eating nuts over a junk food as a snack. Great article and video –click here to check it out. The Principal Investigator Richard Mattes says “They’re high in protein, and protein is satiating,” he said. “They’re high in fiber, and fiber is satiating. They’re rich in unsaturated fats, and there is some literature that suggests that has satiety value. They’re crunchy, and that would suggest just the mechanical aspect of chewing generates a satiety signal.”

But this gets tricky….I have told you to watch your portions closely as many of you eat way too much and take on way too many calories. I can think of a client who lost a huge amount of weight by simply removing the can of peanuts that sat on his desk. Or another client who mysteriously started gaining weight and we realized it was the cashews he was munching on at home.

So what gives? Are nuts a part of the problem? Or are they the solution? The answer? I have no idea.

I do know for those of you who are eating junky processed foods, I guarantee having nuts instead is a better idea. And not nuts covered with salt, sugar and a bunch of added chemicals and ingredients that you cannot understand – but just plain, raw nuts. Nuts are full of nutritious fat soluble vitamins, have protein, fat and fiber – a perfect little bite!

I also know that if you are endlessly snacking on foods that are not filling you up, maybe a serving of nuts thrown into the mix will help you feel full.

I usually stick to the standard serving size of ¼ cup or about 2 tablespoons. Maybe some of you can have several servings a day and lose weight? While others can only tolerate one serving?

Many of you are trying to clean out your diet, eat whole foods and really stick to a sustainable healthy plan that promotes weight loss. I think nuts are a part of it…how much? I just do not know.

So go nuts! Well, don’t…maybe just a little and see how nuts you can get? Oh there are just too many jokes here so I am signing off….