One political topic that gets me fired up is food. Over the last decade, I have learned how little Americans know about where our food comes from and how this has impacted our health, culture, economy and community.

I will not bother you with all my thoughts on this subject, but I will state with complete conviction that I feel we all deserve to know what is in our food. We deserve to know where our food comes, how it is grown and what we are putting in our bodies.

This election there is a very important proposition on the California ballot and I am begging you all to Vote Yes on 37. I will beg! Voting yes will add a label indicating if our food has been genetically engineered. Regardless of whether you care to know anything about the food movement and no matter what your personal opinions are – we all deserve to know where our food comes from. You can keep eating whatever you like…go for it! Please support those of us who want to know.

If you have any questions on this topic do not hesitate to ask. This is important – know what you are eating!

Some resources/articles so you can learn more on the topic

Michael Pollen article in New York Times Magazine

The Farmer’s Perspective – Center for Urban Education and Sustainable Agriculture

Yes on 37 – Right to Know

GE Foods – Center for Food Safety